
donderdag 20 oktober 2011

Koos Werkloos

Yesterday I had my last day at work, today is my first day jobless!! It feels funny. I still have the feeling I have to go to work. Guido is having his last day at the work right now. He will enjoy the feeling I am having tomorrow!

Dear colleagues, if you are reading my blog, I want to tell you I had a wonderful time with you all, a time I will never forget! Maybe until next year. Take care and I hope we will keep in touch!

Still two more weeks to go before we will actually leave but we still have a lot to do so no boredom I think. I will keep you posted!

Cheers Anna

maandag 3 oktober 2011

This is my first message on our blog!

It is the 3th of October and we have five more weeks to go before our journey starts. At moments the time flies but most of the time it is slowly ticking away... 

I hope we can launch our website soon and check if everything works properly! I hope you will enjoy our website and blog. Don't expect us to update every day, but when we do, we will try to take you on our journey with us!

Cheers Anna